Lor Temple is located in Candirejo village, Loceret district, Nganjuk regency, about 3-4 km to south from Nganjuk city. Lor Temple was built by Mpu Sendok as his sign of his war with Melayu in the year of Saka 859 or 937 M. Phisically, this temple has broke because it is very old. Its height is 9,3 m and made from red bricks. There are some statue, which found in this temple, such as; Ganesha and Nandi statue. Know on, in the west side of temple, there are two statue Ganesha and Siwa Mahadewa, which both of them have no head anymore. In the west side of the statue are Lingga and Yoni, which also has broken. There is also two grave that believed by the people around as Yang Karta and Yang Kerti (the Mpu Sendok server) graves. From that finder above, it can conclude that Lor temple has Siwa characteristic.
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