Serang Beach is located in Serang village, Panggungrejo district, about 40 km from Blitar city. In every Suro month (new year in Java calendar), it has performed Larung Sesaji ceremony in this beach. In this location, also utilized to see Ramadhan and determined holiday of Idul fitri.
Serang beach has natural beautiful of beach. It spreads white sandy along the beach. The visitors can have many activities in this beach, such as swimming, sun bathing, fishing, canoeing, etc. This beach is one of the famous beaches in Blitar regency. Visit Serang beach, and you will find a new experiences in your trip that unforgettable. Beside that, the visitor also can watch the traditional ceremony in this beach that held in every year.
Larung Sesaji Ceremony
Larung Sesaji Ceremony is held every 1 Suro (the Javanese calendar) in the South Sea, Tambakrejo beach, Wonotirto district. Larung Sesaji Ceremony is done to express the grateful feeling and also to pray to God who has given the sailors a lot of sea products and also safety.
This ceremony has followed by almost all of society around the beach. They rice cone and throw away on the south sea. That food is the symbol of the grateful expression of the favors that they have gotten from the only one of God.
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