Mount Slamet is the highest mountain in Central Java and is the second highest mountain in the P. Java with an altitude of 3.432m. During the first exploration of the world that Sir Frances Drake when he saw Mount Slamet, immediately directed his boat and dock in Cilacap.
Mt. Slamet can climb through the 3 points, through Kaliwadas west, Batu Raden through the south and east through the Cinnamon. Of the three closest point is the Cinnamon, beautiful scenery but also the number of wild monkeys can be found in their journey to the top slamet.
Line Cinnamon is a very popular route and is the most common point climb. Cinnamon is the shortest route than the route and Kali Batu Raden Wadas. From Purwokerto city bus to the destination Purbalingga and continued by bus to the weight loss goal Serayu sari. Travel connected with rural transport trucks to the village of Cinnamon, the last village at the foot of Mount Slamet.
In this hamlet berketinggian 1279 mdpi pedestrians can check back and take care of administrative tools ascent. First to post the condition of umbrellas with a steep turn right direction. Climber will pass through a field population for 1 hour. Umbrella is the postal mail that resembles climbing a giant umbrella and is still in the middle of the plantation population. After climbing into the cabin Walang umbrellas keep track very slippery and steep in the middle of a tropical rain forest environment, for less lebih2 hours. Walang cabin after, the field is still as before, the road is still rising in the panorama of a very dense forest and beautiful, for about 2 hours to Pondok Pine. As the name suggests, this cottage is surrounded by pine trees covered with moss fir. Pine Samaranthu cabin after climbing on to post. For about 2 hours with steady over the road and dense woods.
Climbers will pass Sanghiang Rangkah which is a bush with a beautiful Adelweiss around, and sometimes find strawberries in the middle of the tree blocking the mountain road. Climbers also be passed Sanghiang Jampang very beautiful to see the sunrise. Approximately 30 minutes later climbers would arrive in Plawangan.
Plawangan (mace-door) is the door to the top Slamet. From this place climbers will be able to enjoy the natural panorama that stretches to the east. After street Plawangan attractive and challenging, but the sedimentation of sand and lava rock that easily slide along the track, on either side of the cliff and no one tree that can be used as handles.
In this area often storm the mountain, so climbers are advised to climb in the morning. Most climbers leave their goods below, to lighten the load. From Plawangan to the top takes 30 - 60 minutes. From here climbers can see the top Slamet so large and spread of a huge caldera and the stunning, commonly called Segoro Wedi.
Kaliwadas is a hamlet berketinggian 1850 and entered the area Dawehan Village mdpi, District Sirampog, Brebes, or rather is on the southwestern slopes of Mount Slamet. Kaliwadas to bring to the city for use Bumiayu Pangasinan Rural Transportation Colt kind that takes 2 hours. Pangasinan arrived at the market, continue to travel using Kaliwadas Jeep hardtop or using public transport that operates open until 18:00.
Climbers can prepare all the provisions and the licensing of this Kaliwadas. About 300 m after the village street, climbers directed toward the path. An hour later climbers will pass the local Holy Tuk interpreted as sacred springs. In the Holy Tuk has dammed the flow of water, which serves as the village water underneath. After the Holy Tuk, the field began to climb through the halls of a small bamboo plant. Population about call Pringgodani. Sixty minutes later climbers would arrive at the cottage Growong.
Growong cottage is a good place to set up a tent. In this area many large trees where there are holes big enough. After the cabin is relatively flat trajectory Growong to a small bridge called the park Wlingi, which is at an altitude of 1953 mdpl. In this area there is an intersection, the straight and wide to the Well Penganten. 500 m away from the region is a source of water, which is also a sacred place where many pilgrims who came to ask for blessings.
The road to the left is the road leading to the summit. The situation increasingly uphill road. Along the road from a lot of fallen trees and found the tree stinger. Trajectory sometimes covered with bushes so that the climber must be vigilant so as not to get lost. Trajectory started again widened when climbers past the intersection of Sweet Igir mdpl located in 2600. In this area will be found Adelweiss plants and strawberry plants. After that climbers will reach Igir Tjowek located at an altitude of mdpl 2750. This region is the region of Mount Malang. Here is the meeting point jalaur Baturaden. A few yards later before the climbers arrive at Plawangan.
Plawangan is a fairly flat land in the open, and boundary vegetation. Go to the top takes about 2 hours. Climbers could leave early to enjoy the surrounding peaks and in good weather. After Plawangan sharper trajectory until it reaches the point of climbing 60. The next state of the track with the field of severe volcanic rocks semakfn an easy slide. The smell of sulfur from the crater stung when climbers reached the top of the picture. Once in this area, climbers stay at gigir melipir crater towards the east.
After passing Surono monument in the form of piles of stones, climbers will reach the highest peak of Mount Slamet marked with stakes and tower triangulation. First place is also used to monitor the activity of this volcano. At the second highest peak after this Java climbers can see the landscape in the east. There are peaks like Mount Sumbing, Sundoro, Merbapu, Merapi, and the peak Ciremai the west. Overall the bag upright pegs earth will be Java.
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