The temple in Central Java and YogyakartaIn the 7th century until the beginning of the 8th century, Central Java, there is a Hindu kingdom called Kalinga. At the end of the first half of the 8th century, it is estimated th. 732 AD, King Sanjaya changed the name of Kalinga into Mataram.Furthermore Mataram was ruled by the descendants of Sanjaya (Sanjaya Dynasty). During the reign of King Sanjaya, is thought to have built the temples of Shiva at the Dieng mountains.At the end of the reign of King Sanjaya, king dynasty came from the kingdom of Srivijaya (in Kilkenny) who managed to control the southern region in Central Java. Hindu Mataram power pushed into the northern region of Central Java.The reign of King's Buddhist dynasty was continued by his descendants, dynasty dynasty. Thus, for about a century, the years 750-850 AD, Central Java, ruled by two governments, the administration of Hindu Sanjaya Dynasty and Dynasty dynasty who adopted Mahayana Buddhism. During this period most of the temples in Central Java built. Therefore, the temples in the northern part of Central Java in general is the Hindu temples, while in the south are Buddhist temples. Both the ruling dynasty in Central Java is finally united through marriage Rakai Pikatan (838-851 AD) with Pramodawardhani, son of Maharaja Samarattungga Dynasty dynasty.The temple in Central Java is generally facing the East, was built using stone andesite. The building of the temple are generally fat-bodied and situated in the middle of the courtyard. In between the legs and body of the temple there is a wide corridor, which serves as a place to do 'pradaksina'. Above the doorway of the room and there are niches headdress Kala (Kalamakara) without the lower jaw. Forms the roof of the temple in central Java is generally widened with ratna or stupa-shaped peak.Repeatability of the roof was clearly visible.In addition to the location and shape of the building, the temple has a characteristic central Java in terms of relief, the carvings in, the object depicted in relief with figures mengadap naturalist forward. Boundary between one scene to another scene does not seem real, and there are areas left blank. Kalpataru Tree is considered a sacred tree that grows out of many round-shaped object found in the temples of central Java.The temple in Central Java and Yogyakarta, the number reached tens, general construction has close links with the Hindu Mataram Kingdom, both under the Sanjaya Dynasty and Dynasty dynasty.Not all temples contained in this web site. There are still many temples, particularly small temples are not covered, including: Brother, Asu, Bogem, Bugisan, Candireja, Dawungsari, Dengok, Gampingan, Gatak, Gondang, Cave Sentana, Gunungsari, Gunungwukir (Canggal), Ijo, Kelurak, Marundan, Peacock, Miri, Morangan, Emergent, Ngawen, Payak, Pendem, Pringapus, Retno, Sakaliman, Sojiwan, Umbul and Watugudig. for more details, let us follow this link
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011
candi di Jawa Tengah
Candi di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta
Pada abad ke-7 sampai dengan awal abad ke-8, di Jawa Tengah terdapat sebuah kerajaan Hindu bernama Kalingga. Pada akhir paruh pertama abad ke-8, diperkirakan th. 732 M, Raja Sanjaya mengubah nama Kalingga menjadi Mataram. Selanjutnya Mataram diperintah oleh keturunan Sanjaya (Wangsa Sanjaya). Selama masa pemerintahan Raja Sanjaya, diperkirakan telah dibangun candi-candi Syiwa di pegunungan Dieng.
Pada akhir masa pemerintahan Raja Sanjaya, datanglah Raja Syailendra yang berasal dari Kerajaan Sriwijaya (di Palembang) yang berhasil menguasai wilayah selatan di Jawa Tengah. Kekuasaan Mataram Hindu terdesak ke wilayah utara Jawa Tengah.
Pada akhir masa pemerintahan Raja Sanjaya, datanglah Raja Syailendra yang berasal dari Kerajaan Sriwijaya (di Palembang) yang berhasil menguasai wilayah selatan di Jawa Tengah. Kekuasaan Mataram Hindu terdesak ke wilayah utara Jawa Tengah.
Pemerintahan Raja Syailendra yang beragama Buddha ini dilanjutkan oleh keturunannya, Wangsa Syailendra. Dengan demikian, selama kurang lebih satu abad, yaitu tahun 750-850 M, Jawa Tengah dikuasai oleh dua pemerintahan, yaitu pemerintahan Wangsa Sanjaya yang beragama Hindu dan Wangsa Syailendra yang menganut agama Buddha Mahayana. Pada masa inilah sebagian besar candi di Jawa Tengah dibangun. Oleh karena itu, candi-candi di Jawa Tengah bagian Utara pada umumnya adalah candi-candi Hindu, sedangkan di wilayah selatan adalah candi-candi Buddha. Kedua Wangsa yang berkuasa di Jawa Tengah tersebut akhirnya dipersatukan melalui pernikahan Rakai Pikatan (838 - 851 M) dengan Pramodawardhani, Putra Maharaja Samarattungga dari Wangsa Syailendra.
Candi di Jawa Tengah umumnya menghadap ke Timur, dibangun menggunakan batu andesit. Bangunan candi umumnya bertubuh tambun dan terletak di tengah pelataran. Di antara kaki dan tubuh candi terdapat selasar yang cukup lebar, yang berfungsi sebagai tempat melakukan ‘pradaksina’ . Di atas ambang pintu ruangan dan relung terdapat hiasan kepala Kala (Kalamakara) tanpa rahang bawah. Bentuk atap candi di Jawa tengah umumnya melebar dengan puncak berbentuk ratna atau stupa. Keterulangan bentuk pada atap tampak dengan jelas.
Di samping letak dan bentuk bangunannya, candi Jawa tengah mempunyai ciri khas dalam hal reliefnya, yaitu pahatannya dalam, objek dalam relief digambarkan secara naturalis dengan tokoh yang mengadap ke depan. Batas antara satu adegan dengan adegan lain tidak tampak nyata dan terdapat bidang yang dibiarkan kosong. Pohon Kalpataru yang dianggap sebagai pohon suci yang tumbuh ke luar dari objek berbentuk bulat banyak didapati di candi-candi Jawa tengah.
Candi di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta jumlahnya mencapai puluhan, umumnya pembangunannya mempunyai kaitan erat dengan Kerajaan Mataram Hindu, baik di bawah pemerintahan Wangsa Sanjaya maupun Wangsa Syailendra. Belum semua candi dimuat dalam situs web ini. Masih banyak candi, terutama candi-candi kecil yang belum terliput, di antaranya: Abang, Asu, Bogem, Bugisan, Candireja, Dawungsari, Dengok, Gampingan, Gatak, Gondang, Gua Sentana, Gunungsari, Gunungwukir (Canggal), Ijo, Kelurak, Marundan, Merak, Miri, Morangan, Muncul, Ngawen, Payak, Pendem, Pringapus, Retno, Sakaliman, Sojiwan, Umbul dan Watugudig. untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita ikuti link ini
Selasa, 09 Maret 2010
SINE BEACH tulungagung

Not far from Popoh beach, there is a tourism beach that has already to welcome the visitors. It is Sine beach tourism, which located in Sine sub-village, Kalibatur village, Kalidawir district, about 35 km to east side of Tulungagung city. Sine is a beach that has wide sand, usually used for sun bathing. The visitors who pleasure for sun bathing are not need to go to Bali for having sun bathing, just come here in Sine beach sand, Tulungagung.
Not only that, in bright weather from this beach we can see sun rise directly. The beautiful of sunrise in the sea, is the special characteristic of this beach. So that, many visitors called Sine beach as the Sun Rise beach.
Along south beach in Tulungagung area, there are some beaches to be enjoyed by visitors, such as; Molang beach, Dlodo beach, Brumbun beach and Gerangan beach.
POPOH BEACH tulungagung

Popoh beach is the interesting tourism object in Tulungagung regency. In this tourism object, you can enjoy the beautiful of nature scenery, astonished with a thousand temples; enjoy the swimming pool, and fauna. This tourism object has managed by the region government of Tulungagung, together with Retjo Pentoeng Cigarettes Company.
In this Popoh Beach is also equipped with lodges facility, fish market, marine tourism, and a few places for fishing. The communities around always held a traditional ceremony called ì Labuh Semboyoî by wash away sacrifice of two goatís head to the sea for the ìrulerî of south sea (Indonesia Ocean). That ceremony is aimed to get a lot of fish from south sea.
There is onyx handicraft place as Tulungagung souvenirs and located along the road way to Popoh, Boyolangu, Campurdarat, Besuki. We can reach it by motorboat to walk around Sidem Beach, Klatak, Gemah and Bayeman. Popoh Beach is presents tourism a lot and has playground for the kids, smooth spoon beach, quay wall, sea fish market, seafood, etc. The other tourism facilities of Popoh beach is lodges for the visitors who want to stay here for a while and enjoy Popoh beach longer. The place of fishermen is at east side and stick out to sea. If we lucky, we can see the fishermen get their fish from sea and sell it with affordable price.
Almost every holiday and red day, this tourism object is always full of visitors, both from Tulungagung around also foreign tourists.
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